Monday, April 30, 2012

Altered State

47 days

222 invited
127 attending
34 declined

RSVPs today:
-my proxy godfather, Joel, and his wife, Stephanie
-my high school friend, Missy
-my college friend, Adri, and her boyfriend, Neal
I ordered a pretty (and sexy) satin nightie for the wedding night/honeymoon from Frederick's of Hollywood last night! Here's a picture, only I ordered it in black:

I had my alterations appointment tonight! Shannon went with me to take pictures as well as have her dress altered. Mine will be about $290, including a steaming to make the tulle look better. It's about half of what I would have paid at Alfred Angelo. Here's a great picture of the two of us:

 Someone bought our panini press off our registry today! I'm wicked excited because that was one of our favorite items!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Clothes Horse

48 days

222 invited
122 attending
34 declined

I updated our scrapbook with the hair trial and cake tasting pictures. I also updated our regular one with pictures from my former coworkers' party and Devon's Junior Districts concert.

Matt and I are going to (attempt to) start packing for the move. We want to clean a little, as well, but after the big breakfast we had it's looking a little difficult.

Tomorrow night I have my alterations! Shannon and I will be going to Ana's Bridal at 6 30 and I get to put my dress on again! I'll definitely have Shannon take pictures to post here and for my scrapbook as well.

Matt and I went to the mall yesterday and I bought a skirt for the honeymoon from American Eagle. It was $19.99 with an additional 30% plus we had another coupon for 15% off! Of course, I went to get a picture of it to put here and found another dress on their website that was on sale with the 30% off, so I bought it. Here are the pictures:

I'm so excited!! I also found a new body spray since Bath and Body Works discontinued my favorite one. I have the hand lotion and love it, so I bought Twilight Woods to wear on the wedding day (and whenever else). It's glitter spray, so I'll be sparkly for the wedding!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Short and Sweet

222 invited
122 attending
34 declined

No RSVPs today again. My mom did tell me that my aunt would be coming, but she has to send out her RSVP when she gets back to North Carolina.

We had our meeting with Father Al earlier. It went well, we gave him our Pre-Cana certificate and talked about the program. Then he talked a little about Jesus and the wedding (seriously) and going to confession before the wedding. Matt asked about writing our Prayer of the Faithful which made us realize that we should probably start it.

I picked up the pictures of my hair trial and our cake tasting, so I'll be able to put them in the scrapbook tomorrow since it's late.

Over the Moon

49 days

I called L.L.Bean this morning and they're sending us another package through the USPS! They said that if we get the other missing one to let them know, I said I'd send it back to them since we don't need two. At least we'll get it this time!!

Matt and I are going to do a little cleaning, shower, and start packing before our meeting with Father Al.

I worked on the scrapbooks this morning! I've been slacking a little bit. I'm going to have the hair trial pictures printed so that I can add them in.

Last, but definitely not least, we paid for the honeymoon!! The money went through and we called this morning to pay off the balance! We're officially ready for the honeymoon: the plane, the resort, and the hotel are all taken care of!

Friday, April 27, 2012


50 days

222 invited
122 attending
34 declined

One RSVP today from my parents' good friends, Liz and Steve.

Matt and I went to the UPS location in Warwick to pick up our Crate and Barrel package today. It's from Alicia and Paula, two of my coworkers, and they got us another set of the Bistro Bowls as well as the Chip and Dip Set we wanted. Here's a picture of the chip and dip set:

Of course, after the ridiculousness with that package, I come home to an email saying Matt's gift was left at the front door by UPS. NO IT WAS NOT. This is not the first time it's happened and so I called them and they're investigating it. I better get this package, I am so over UPS and their issues. However, I have to say their national customer assistance is really nice and helpful.

Matt and I have a meeting with our officiant, Father Al, tomorrow. I'll be sure to post how it goes, although I honestly have no idea what it's about.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

About Time

51 days

222 invited
120 attending
34 declined

RSVPs today from my boss, Julie, and her husband, Patrick, and our family friends' son, Jeff (decline).

I came home to find a UPS InfoNotice on our door. A couple weeks ago, we had a package that couldn't be delivered from my coworker. (It's a shower gift.) Matt forgot to call/go online and have them hold it on the third day, so it got shipped back. My coworker called on Monday to see what was going on with it and they said that it was going to be delivered Tuesday. I got home on Tuesday and didn't have the notice. Same thing yesterday. I figured that it was just taking longer than the lady said. Nope. Today I see the notice and it was their FINAL DELIVERY attempt. Um, what the hell happened to leaving a notice all three times? These UPS drivers are assholes. I made sure that the first thing I did on the computer was tell them to hold it to pick up tomorrow.

I was looking through the seating chart and I've eliminated a whole table! I was able to combine two of the tables, so now I'm going to go through the other tables and make some changes.

Matt's gift shipped today! I can't wait to get it so I can give it to him!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day Three

52 days

222 invited
118 attending
33 declined

Third day in a row with no RSVPs. It makes me so sad when I open the mailbox and there are none.

I ordered Matt's gift today! It was only $22.95 and shipping was free! It should be here in 5 or less business days! I'm going to give it to him before the wedding, since it's for the honeymoon, so he can actually use it!

I don't know if I mentioned it the other day, but someone bought our camera for us off our registry! It's one of the few gifts I'm going to search for after the wedding so we can use it on the honeymoon! Here's a picture:

I'm super excited about my alterations on Monday! I can't wait to put my dress on again!

I also finished spray painting the rocks last night! They came out great!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Drying Up

222 invited
118 attending
33 declined

AGAIN, no RSVPs. Seriously depressing.

I FINALLY started spray painting the rocks last night. They look perfect, so long as the paint won't wash off of them. I'll have to test that before putting them in the actual centerpieces...

I ordered a new bathing suit today for the honeymoon from Delia's. They sent me a coupon for 20% off, and I just HAD to use it. It's plain black, but super cute and will look good on me:

Monday, April 23, 2012


54 days

222 invited
118 attending
33 declined

And yet another no RSVP day. These days are no fun.

I have yet to spray paint the rocks for the centerpieces. I'm really lazy lately and doing that would require not sitting on the couch, which is something I cannot bring myself to do. I'm going to really try to push myself to do it tonight.

Matt and I are still waiting to hear about everything for the condo. I'm praying that he gets pre-approved for the loan and qualifies for the assistance so we can get this place. If not, though, we've been looking at other apartments that are bigger. We've found quite a few that are either the same price or cheaper than we're paying now.

I decided that I'm going to get Matt another small gift for the wedding/honeymoon. I have a great L.L.Bean travel caddy for all my shower/personal stuff. I usually carry Matt's stuff in there as well, but for the honeymoon I don't think there'll be enough room. Therefore, I'm going to get him his own! Here's the one I think I'm going to get him:

I'll be the perfect size for his stuff. I'm also deciding whether or not to have it personalized (with just an M most likely) for an extra $8.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Moon Money

55 days

222 invited
118 attending
33 declined

Matt got the money for the honeymoon yesterday and we deopsited it today! Once it clears (it was a $3000 check) we'll pay for the rest of the honeymoon! I'm so excited!

I called Ana Bridal the other day about my alterations next Monday (the 30th). I need to find out how much they're going to cost because they only accept cash. However, I was able to schedule Shannon's with me! I'm really excited to put my dress on again and I'll definitely have Shannon take some pictures for me!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


56 days

222 invited
118 attending
33 declined

No RSVPs today which means I have to wait until at least Monday. So sad.

I scanned the postcard that we got from Minnie and Mickey so I could post it here:

On the back it says "Congratulations and Best Wishes! Love and kisses! Minnie Mouse, Your Pal, Mickey Mouse." So cute!!

I bought another small scrapbook for the RSVPs last night at Michael's and filled a page and a half already.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Mouse

57 days

222 invited
118 attending
33 declined

One RSVP today from my dance friend, Steph. PLUS we got a postcard from Minnie and Mickey! It's so cute!

I got my bridal shower photobook in the mail today! It came out great! I picked really good pictures even though they said some wouldn't translate well. They all look great!

My aunt also finally figured out who she was bringing to the wedding, so I was able to add his name to the list as well as make an escort card for them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


59 days

222 invited
117 attending
30 declined

Currently working on: favors (192/192 done)

RSVPs today:
-my dance friend, Komal
-my friend from college, Jason

We went to the grocery store tonight and finally dropped off Nick's invitation. He lives in the same building as Ryan, so we talked to him and found out he never got his invitation. We got their RSVPs as yes, obviously, and their food choices, plus Ryan's plus one's name. So now we are up to 117 guests!!

Finished the favors tonight!! We bought more Hershey Kisses and Starburst Jellybeans to finish the last 21! Here are the jellybean ones:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


60 days

222 invited
112 attending
30 declined

Currently working on: favors (171/192 done)

Only one RSVP today from Matt's former coworker, Shawn, and it was a decline.

I bought more Hershey Kisses for the favors today at Walmart. I finished another 30 which leaves only 21 left! I'm going to buy more candy tomorrow, maybe jelly beans, and finish them up! Here's pictures of the two new kinds (Skittles and Kisses):

Jules sent me a link to a wedding pictures from the Biltmore. It was really sweet of her and there were some good pictures in there. Click here to take a look!

I got an email that my bridal shower photobook shipped today! I'm so excited to see it!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

And Another

61 days

222 invited
112 attending
29 declined

RSVPs today:
-my coworker, Ana
-Matt's aunt, Julie
-my uncle, Jon, his wife, Teri, and his son (and my ring bearer), Cole
-Teri's sons, Evan and Liam (declined)
-my college friend, Ruthie

So we added another invitee, my coworker and her boyfriend. We started hanging out recently and are under our 200 limit, so I figured it was time to send her an invitation!

That's all for today, not much else wedding-related is happening.

Two to Tango

2 months until our wedding!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Silver Rocks

62 days

220 invited
106 attending
27 declined

I think I'm going to finally spray paint the rocks for the centerpieces today. It's gorgeous out so I can have all the windows open (and let all the bugs in) which means I won't get high off the fumes.

I switched the bubbles and fan baskets last night and it works much better. The bubbles fit perfectly in the smaller basket and the large one holds all the fans.

Matt and I started signing the letters for the out of town bags last night. He got annoyed so we had to stop , though. He drives me crazy sometimes, but I still love him.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Borrower

63 days

225 invited
106 attending
27 declined

RSVPs today:
-my former coworker from Gap, Katie
-Matt's parents' neighbors, Joe and Nellie, and their son and caretaker, Tom (declined)
-Matt's mom's friends, Liz and David
-Matt's cousins, Sean and Julie (declined)

I took Chase, one of our ushers, to get his tux measurements done today. After waiting for 30 plus minutes without being helped, we finally got him measured. Thankfully, the guy was young enough and knew how to measure and use the computer. Now, I just have to drag Ryan in to get his done.

When I got the mail, the rest of the fans had come in from Oriental Trading! I may have to switch the baskets for them and the bubbles, though.

I also got my something borrowed in the mail! My mom sent me one of my dad's name tags and here's a picture:

I also finally sent my mom the skirt for her dress! And then Chase pointed out that he was going back there tomorrow and could have brought it. Gee, thanks.

Last, the girls have found a potential house for the bachelorette! They're thinking this is the one which makes me so excited!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

One Hundred

64 days

225 invited
104 attending
22 declined

My Uncle Rick is the 100th guest at our wedding!

RSVPs today:
-my uncle Rick
-Matt's coworker, Amy, and her husband, Jeremy
-my friend and greeter at the ceremony, Alice

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just One More

65 days

225 invited
99 attending
22 declined

One RSVP today from Matt's college friend, Tommy, and he's declined. He lives in Chicago and won't be able to make the trip. I'm seriously thinking it's because I want to break 100 guests. Come on, just one yes tomorrow!!

Matt's linen pants came in today! They're really nice and fit him perfectly! They'll be perfect for the honeymoon!!

After trying to stamp a fan last night, I realized it wasn't going to happen and so I stopped. Oh well.

Mom texted me today to say that my dad found a name tag of his from the Marines. She's sending it to me so I can sew it in my dress as my something borrowed! I love that I'll have my maiden name sewn into my dress!! Now I have to remind Gram to bring the necklace for my something old.

Last, I want to wish Matt good luck tomorrow at his interview! He's going in for an interview for a higher position with Verizon! Good luck baby! I love you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fan Favors

66 days

225 invited
99 attending
21 declined

No RSVPs today...again! I bet it's because I'm really excited to break 100 guests. Or the mailman hates me.

I finally got the pins in today for the boutonnieres so I'm going to hot glue them on in a couple minutes. Simple pinning on the wedding day!

The red fans came in today! They're awesome! I just have to stamp them now.

AND I got my Sweet Potato Queens book (I LOVE them!!) for the honeymoon! I'm going to have to pack it so I don't start reading it now!

Last, I also made a photobook the other day of shower pictures! I'm going to buy it with my LivingSocial deal this weekend after we get paid!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

For the Dads

67 days

225 invited
99 attending
21 declined

Currently working on: favors (141/192 done)

Matt is such a sweet heart! He picked up the skirt for my mom's dress today for me! I'm going to mail it to her tomorrow so that she can get it altered soon.

Our Vistaprint order came in today! In it were the totes that I had made for Pam and Natalie as gifts and the Father's Day cards that we made. We decided that since the day after our wedding is Father's Day, we wanted to give something to the dads attending our wedding. So we made cards on Vistaprint that we'll sign and hand out personally to each dad. We're also having a dance for them to dance with their daughters or wives.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Done Dressing!

68 days

225 invited
99 attending
21 declined

Currently working on: favors (141/192 done)

RSVPs today:
-my mom's friend, Anne, her husband, Jerry, and her daughter, Avery (decline)
-my college friend, Emily, and her boyfriend Jeremy
-Matt's aunt, Lisa
-my coworker, Paula, and her husband, Frank

The skirt for my mom's dress came in today! Matt and I are going to pick it up tomorrow after work since we had other things to do tonight. That will be the official end of dresses! Now we all just have to have alterations done!

I was in the mall today to deposit a couple checks and saw that the old nail place that I used to go to had reopened under a new name! It looks nice and will be great for all our nail appointments the day before the wedding. I'll try it out this weekend and see if I can schedule our appointments.

Matt and I submitted our reservation to McFadden's for our after party after the reception. They'll be contacting him soon about it!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


70 days

225 invited
94 attending
18 declined

Currently working on: favors (141/192 done)

RSVPs today:
-my great-grandparents, John and Florence, declined because of John's health
-my former Gap coworker, Jackie
-Matt's college friends and roommates, Kate and Kim

Matt and I went to pick up my mom's dress this morning. They still hadn't gotten the skirt in, but at least we got the top which will need more alterations anyway. We also went to Walmart and grabbed some Skittles and Hershey Kisses for the favors. I finished quite a few of them today!

I went to Michael's in search of something to replace the silver glitter rocks in some of the centerpieces since they float. I found river rocks and I'm going to try spray paiting them silver. (Hopefully the paint won't wash off in the water.) I also bought more ribbon for the favors as well as a basket for the fans. Last, I bought a scrapbook for the RSVPs which I've started to glue in.

I ordered the fans for the ceremony favors today! I got 180 total: 14 sets of 12 from Oriental Trading in orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink and a set 12 in red from ebay. The ones from Oriental Trading only cost me $35 with the gift card, reward certificate, and free shipping code! I also had a reward certificate for ebay, so I only paid $4 for the red fans! When they come in, I'll start stamping on the actual fan!

And I finally remembered to go to Staples and pick up the hard copies of the Purple Issue! Only took me a week.

Friday, April 6, 2012

M&My Favor-ite

71 days

225 invited
91 attending
16 declined

One RSVP today from Matt's mother's friend, Joyce, who declined.

I started putting M&Ms in the boxes last night after I finished putting them all together. They look really cute all put together! Here's a picture:

Matt and I also decided that we're going to add a couple other candies to the favors. The M&Ms we got won't be enough for all 200 favors, so we're going to have to buy more candy anyway. We're definitely doing Skittles (Original with the pink and blue from the Wildberry probably) and Hershey Kisses and maybe Wonka's Nerds.

The top to my mom's dress came in so I'm going to pick up tomorrow. Here's hoping that the bottom is in by then!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One Month Later

73 days

225 invited
91 attending
15 declined

Another one RSVP day from my high school friend, Steph. And in the mail with it? Nick's invitation. Now I have to drop it off with his very late Christmas card. Seriously USPS? A month after we sent them out, we get one back? Ridiculous.

I'm sending out invitations tomorrow to the President, Mickey and Minnie, and Beauty and the Beast! I can't wait to see what we get back from them!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spice It Up

74 days

225 invited
90 attending
15 declined

Only one RSVP today from Matt's college friend and former Friar mascot for the hockey team, CJ, and his girlfriend, Andrea.

We got our spice rack from my great aunt Barb today! We filled all the jars and put it on a shelf for now. I seriously cannot wait to move so we have room for everything. Speaking of which, Matt called Navigant today and is meeting with the realtor and housing assistance on Friday to see about a mortgage for the condo. Let's hope that we get good news!!

Here's a picture of the spice rack:

I renewed my passport today! It only took about 15 minutes, but cost me a total of $150. However, I'll be all set to go to Jamaica for our honeymoon!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Diamond White Anniversary

75 days

225 invited
88 attending
15 declined

RSVPs today:
-my coworker, Paris
-my good friend from college, Diana, and her boyfriend, Brandon
-my brother's godparents (and my parents friends), Mark and Pam
-Matt's aunt, uncle, and cousin; Jen, Bill, and Alicia
-my friends from high school, Jeff and Katie
-my friend from college and groomsman, Nick, and his girlfriend, Cat

I started putting together the boxes for the favors last night! (They came in flat and I just had to fold them into a box.) It's a good thing, too, because our purple and pink M&Ms came in today!! I'm going to mix in half of each bag to see if that looks alright. I don't want to use them all in case we need to buy more of the big bags of M&Ms.

We sent out the last three invitations tonight! I'm thinking about sending out ones to the president and Beauty and the Beast, too, but haven't quite decided.

Sunday, April 1, 2012