Wednesday, February 29, 2012

And They're Off!

108 days

202 Invited
0 Attending
0 Declined

I sent out the invitations today! I know that they're supposed to go out three months before, but we're only a couple weeks early. I wanted to give everyone enough time to make plans, especially because the Biltmore rooms are filling fast for that weekend. I would hate to have our guests have to stay somewhere else. Also, I want to have enough time for our second round guests. (There's only a couple more distance relatives and friends, but I still don't want them getting the invites two weeks before the wedding.) Get ready to see those numbers up above changing!


Happy 24th Birthday to our great friend and groomsman, Rich!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On the Menu

109 days

Currently working on: escort card frame labels (7/7 done)

We met with Scott tonight and got the menu finalized! I can finally finish ordering the rest of the wedding stationery from Vistaprint which I'm going to do tonight! Scott is so nice and helpful; he said we were really prepared! For everything else, he asked us questions and took notes and then gave us a matching questionairre to fill out and return the week before the wedding. I can't believe how close the wedding is getting!

My mom texted me today and said she was buying our invitation stamps for us! (She ended up just transferring the money to my account so I can buy them tomorrow.) I'm going tomorrow on my lunch break from work to buy them and start addressing the invitations! Then we'll send them all out! So excited!

Here's a picture of the table menus:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mark the Occassion

110 days

Currently working on: escort card frames titles

Our mothers' corsages came in today!! They are GORGEOUS! I am so happy that I went with these instead of real flowers: they have meaning, will last forever, and they go so well with the bouquets and boutonnieres! Here is the picture:

I also bought Shannon a new hair accessory for the wedding. The headband that I originally had was for Margaret and so I went to get a flower for Shannon. All the other bridesmaids have flowers and Shannon doesn't like headbands, so it worked out well. Here's the picture:

Matt and I are going to go through the invitations tonight to see which we will hand out to guests. I'm also planning on finishing the escort card frames! And tomorrow is our meeting at the Biltmore! So excited!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Last Single Weekend

111 days

Currently working on: escort card frame pictures (7/7 done)

My family and I had a girls day yesterday (we have them once in a while and just eat all day) and we got a lot of planning done! My mom, gram, aunts, and I got most of the shower details nailed down as well as the menu. My aunt is addicted to Pinterest (which I hooked her on) and she had some great ideas that she found on there. We picked out what we'd be eating and decided on a bunch of different cupcakes for dessert! My other aunt also said she'd do the Ring Pop favors which I'm super excited about! Two of my bridesmaids, Jess and Shannon, also got the bachelorette itinerary done as well as starting a list of items for a bachelorette scavenger hunt! I'm so happy that we got so much done! Everyone is really spoiling me with these things.

Once Shannon and I got home, we went to Nick and Ryan's apartment with Matt to hang out for a while. They had started to plan Matt's bachelor party (for the same weekend as my bachelorette) and Nick told me a little of what they have planned so far: one of the local strip clubs (one of the nicer ones Providence has to offer) on the first night and then staying in a hotel near Foxwoods and gambling the next day. I'm really excited that they're starting planning!

Matt and I have decided to go through the invitations and give some of them out in person to save on postage (mostly people we work with and our wedding party that lives around here). I don't know if it's tacky, but it'll save a little money. However, they're still required to send the RSVP in the mail since they are stamped!

Tuesday we are going to meet with Scott and finalize our menu! I'm going to order the table menus that night as well as invitations for my parents' 25th anniversary party this July! So exciting!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mommy Dearest

113 days

Currently working on: escort card pictures

Our mothers' jewelry came in today! It is so pretty and I know that they will love it! Here are pictures of the actual jewelry that took me forever to take:

my mom

Matt's mom

I printed the pictures for the escort card frames at work today, so I'm going to work on them and, hopefully, finish them tonight!

Tomorrow is girls' day! Shannon and I are going to my gram's to hang with my mom, gram, aunts, sisters, and Jess to eat and plan the shower!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Grass is Always Greener

I finished Shannon's bouquet! It looks great and I love the colors of the brooches! Now I'm down to ONE! AAAAHHHH! And, of course, the picture:

You Can Quote That

114 days

Currently working on: escort card frames quotes (7/7 done)

I finished the quotes for the escort card frames since the last two frames came in today! I was going to start working on the pictures, but the printer is running low on black ink and so I'll need to print them elsewhere. (I sent it to myself to try and print at work since it's a more industrial model and has a lot more ink.) I think I'm going to do the small signs for the frames tonight, instead.

Matt also got the last addresses that we needed while I got the invitation weighed, so we can send them out! It's going to be about what I thought so we'll have to start buying them now since it'll probably total around $85.

I received the original last brooch for Shannon's bouquet so I'll be able to finish her bouquet later tonight! Another one done! Yay! Here's the brooch that I finally got in:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Roses are Red

I finished Jules' bouquet! I got the brooches in last night, but Matt and I were really busy with the honeymoon, so I waited to finish it until tonight. I'm so excited to have another one done! Here is a picture:

I also got an email that our mothers' corsages will be shipping out tomorrow! I cannot WAIT to see them! I'll post pictures when I get them in!

Répondez, S'il Vous Plaît

115 days

Currently working on: invitations (130/130 done)

We finished the invitations tonight! We finally got the menu inserts in from Vistaprint and so we finished packaging everything up! We put them in the envelopes and all but 4 are ready send out. (We need 4 more addresses and then we'll be completely done.) I'm going to bring one tomorrow to get it weighed so we can start buying postage. (Thankfully, my mom offered to help us buy them since they're probably going to be at least 65¢.) I can't wait to send them out and to start getting RSVPs back!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Over the Moon

116 days

Currently working on: escort card frames (5/7 done)

Matt and I booked the honeymoon!! We are going to Sandals Grande Riviera in Jamaica for a week, starting the day after the wedding! We are also spending the following Sunday night in Miami before our departing flight back to reality here in Rhode Island. I am SO excited to have this finalized and one more thing checked off our list!

I ALSO received ALL of the brooches for Juliana's bouquet and all but one for Cristina's! Because we were so focused on the honeymoon, though, I'm going to put off finishing Jules' until tomorrow night.

I also rescheduled our menu finalizing to next Tuesday night because Matt's working on that Wednesday. I can't wait to check another thing off our list!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Program Complete

118 days

Currently working on: ceremony programs (200/200 done)

I finished the putting the programs together for the ceremony! However, I still have to tie the bubbles and fans onto them, but I'm going to wait for two reasons: one, I need to order the fans and, two, I want to have the baskets that I can put them in since everything tied together will take up a lot of room (so it'll probably be closer to the wedding, anyway).

I ordered the other two frames for the escort card displays! I changed the one for Matt's college friends since we added some and the other frame was out of stock anyway. I had to spend a little more money, but I've saved money elsewhere so no big deal.

I changed my shower dress! I ordered a new one from Charlotte Russe for the honeymoon and when it came in, I realized I wanted to use it for the shower! (I can still use it for the honeymoon, but I like it better for the occassion than the ModCloth one.) The best part is it goes with my orange shoes, so I can still wear them! Here's a picture:

I was talking to Jess yesterday a little about the bachelorette and she said that we are definitely doing a little black dress dinner. (It was my idea that I had gotten from Pinterest.) However, I saw another idea that I want to do in that I wear a white dress to stand out! I found one I like from AX Paris, but I'm going to look around a little more before I decide. I'll probably enlist Jess's help in the search.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Was Framed!

119 days

Currently working on: ceremony programs (100/200 done)

We got the frames that I ordered for the escort cards in! The family one is really nice...and really big. The four that I ordered for the smaller groups are a bit of a pain to get the pictures into, but it'll be okay once they're all done.

I started wrapping ribbons on the menus for the reception. I had bought the ribbon that said "Eat, Drink, & Be Married" and it looks great! I'll post pictures later, once the menus are completely done.

Matt and I are going on the last day of February (the 29th) to finalize the menu and probably discuss other details such as seating and such. I'm really excited!

I have my siblings for the weekend, so that's it for the post for now.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Four Noble Truths

4 months until our wedding!!


121 days

Currently working on: ceremony programs (100/200 done)

Matt got his ring in yesterday! It is SO much better than the other one and we are both really glad we exchanged them.

I finished Jess's bouquet!! I got the last brooch in today and so I finished the whole thing! I'm so excited to have another one done! Here are the pictures:

I also got my after party dress in! I have yet to try it on as Shannon is here hanging out, but hopefully it'll fit so I don't have to return it.

I also got an email from Vistaprint that our menu cards shipped so we can finally finish the invitations and send them out!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cupid's Arrow

123 days

Currently working on: ceremony programs (100/200 done)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Matt took me to see The Vow tonight; not as good as I thought it would be. I was hoping for a Notebook-esque love story and it was sadly nothing like that. Instead, I got rather mad at the movie. But the ice cream afterwards made up for it.

However, I got the rest of the candles for the centerpieces in today! I love the silver!

I also got an email that our mothers' jewelry should be shipping out within a week. And the woman making the corsages said that she's started working on them and I will have them by March! I'm so excited!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Final Insert

124 days

Currently working on: ceremony programs (100/200 done)

I forgot to mention the other day, that another person bought a gift off of our registry! We're getting a set of our dishes from Corelle! I'll post a picture of them as well as our flatware!

Corelle Scribble Lines

Gourmet Settings Non Stop

I'm also ordering out menu inserts for the wedding! I'm waiting on the menus for the table because I want to finalize the whole menu with the Biltmore. The inserts, though, will only have the two meal options which we've chosen. I'm so excited that I'll be able to completely finish the invitations! Then we'll buy stamps and send them out!

I forgot to mention that I ordered some of the frames for the escort card display from Walmart! I got the one for the family and the four (they were a package) for Matt and my work friends, my high school friends, and dance friends.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tasty, Tasty

Currently working on: ceremony programs (100/200 done)

The tasting was amazing! They had so much food and it was all so delicious! It's kind of sad that we have to choose between all the options, but it has to be done. Matt and I have pretty much decided which options we want. I'm going to email Scott tomorrow about finalizing the menu so we can order everything connected to that.

We also got to see our room for the wedding night! It is beautiful! Huge bed and a couch, a bathroom with a separate shower and tub. It just stinks that we're only spending one night in it.

A Pocketful

125 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (130/130 done)
                                    ceremony programs (100/200 done)

I FINISHED THE POCKETFOLDS! I am so incredibly excited to have that tedious task over and done with! The best part is that all I need to do to finish the invitations is insert the menu once we order them!

Speaking of menus, our tasting is tonight! Matt, his mom and sister, my parents, and I are going to the Biltmore to taste all their amazing food! Hopefully we'll make the final decisions tonight, as well, so that I can order the menus for the invitations and tables.

And speaking of table menus, I am going to work on those later as well, since I bought white ribbon that says "Eat, Drink, & Be Married". I was originally going to use it for the invitations, but I didn't get enough and I think it's too thick, so I figured I'd use it around the binding of the menus.

I'm going to shower and eat a small lunch and then work on the programs. I'll be sure to post later about how the tasting was!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hairy Flower

126 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (112/130 done)
                                   ceremony programs (50/200 done)

Sweet relief! Pre-Cana is done and over with and we never have to go back again! I'm not going to rant about how much a I hated it (a lot) but I will say that it did absolutely nothing for me. I don't want to dwell on the boring and painful, though, so let's move on to other things.

My hair piece came in! It is GORGEOUS! I am so happy that I ordered it from Etsy since the one I got from Claire's looks like crap compared to this one! Here's a picture:

We also sent back the ring we had originally ordered Matt and ordered the new one from Jared that he wanted. Here's a picture of it:

I got another brooch in! It's for Shannon's bouquet so now I only need one more for hers and I'll be able to finish it! Another picture:

Yesterday, we got a bunch of packages in as well, but I didn't have the time or energy to write about them because of Pre-Cana. My dress for my shower from ModCloth came in! I tried it on last night before leaving and it fits! I'll need to get a slip from Gap to go under, but I love it and I'm so glad to have the return nonsense done and over with! Our dads' cufflinks and ushers' tie and cufflink sets also came in! You can see them here on our wedding website!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ring, Ring

128 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (87/130 done)

Our rings came in today! I love mine, but Matt's is really thin so I want to make sure he likes it. If not, we'll exchange it for a different one. I'm glad that we have them in, now I just need to find a place to put them so they don't get lost or I forget. Maybe I'll post it on here so I have somewhere to look back to.

Matt and I started our reception seating the other night. I made a new document in Access to list everyone in our different groups (of where we know them from) and then a table for each table. We went through and did the basic seating which we'll just tweak once we start getting RSVPs back.

Also for the reception, I started putting together the escort cards last night. We're putting a white card for the guest book in the envelope with the actual escort card as well as instructions for it on a sticker on the outside back. I'll print people's names once they have RSVPed yes.

I also got another brooch for Jess's bouquet in today! I only need one more and I can finish her bouquet! Here's the brooch:

I'm going to make some more pocketfolds and then work on the escort cards before Matt gets home.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

All Brooched Out

129 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (74/130 done)

I got my package from Vistaprint today from the post office! I understand why it couldn't be delivered; it was huge! In it was the 200 invitation envelopes, half of our ceremony programs and the direction business card inserts for the invitations. I've already started working on the programs! They have to be hole-punched in the corner and tied with ribbon. Later, I'll tie on the bubbles and the fans, once we order them.

Speaking of ordering: I finished ordering the brooches! I bought all of the ones for Cristina and Juliana's bouquets on ebay tonight for about $50! I'm so happy to have that done so I can finally finish the bouquets when they come in. Here are the pictures of which ones I ordered:

I also ordered our dads' cufflinks from Amazon as well as the ushers' gifts. There were only a few of each left and I wanted to get them before they were all gone. Here are pictures of these as well:

my dad

Matt's dad


I think that's all for now. Matt and I are going to put the addresses on the envelopes that we got in today!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mail Delivery Failure Notification

130 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (62/130 done)

I got home, all excited because I'd be able to start working on our programs since they were supposed to come in today, and found a stupid USPS slip that I have to pick it up tomorrow after 10. I have never had a problem with them delivering these packages to us and so I have no idea why this one couldn't be left here. Ugh, now I have to get through another whole day to get the programs and invitation envelopes.

I did, however, go to Staples and pick up the copies of the latest newsletter. While I was there, I picked up a hole bunch for the programs so I can start working on them tomorrow when they come in.

I also got a message back from the Etsy seller doing my corsages and I ordered and paid for them tonight. I'm planning on sending out the fabric scraps tomorrow so she can start working on them!

I don't remember if I posted about this, so I'm going to now. I apologize if it's a repeat. A week or so ago, I got an email saying that someone had purchased an item off of our registry! One of my family members ordered two sets of the silverware that we wanted! I'm so excited!

I also received an email today that our rings were shipped! I can't wait to get them in!

Now I'm going to continue working on the pocketfolds since I've put that off for a while.

Monday, February 6, 2012

99 Problems and My Dress is One

131 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (62/130 done)

I went to my trial alteration appointment after work today! I needed my dress hemmed and I wanted to do it early so I can order our mothers' corsages. Ana was really great and their prices are AMAZING! I'll be paying $130 for the hemming and between $50 and $75 if I need the bust taken in. In total, that's just what I was planning on spending: $200. It was weird, though, leaving my dress there and knowing I won't see it again until the end of April. I'm going then to try it on and make sure the hem is correct as well as seeing if the bust needs taking in. And more money-saving: Ana said that when the tulle is steamed, it will be quite a bit bigger so I don't need a slip!

I got in my after party dress and it didn't fit! I'm really surprised because I ordered the same size from them before and it fit perfectly. I'm going to send it back tomorrow to exchange for the next size up.

Another problem with another dress: ModCloth ran out of the Baklava Beauty dress in the size I need AGAIN, so my exchange couldn't be completed. So I ordered the Soda Fountain dress that I've wanted forever instead! It's about half the price and I only had to pay a little additional money since I was credited $35 for the exchange. (The other $50 was paid on a card so it's going back to my account.) I'm really happy and just praying that this one fits!

And, lastly, I messaged the Etsy seller who's doing the corsages telling her that I have the scraps from my dress. I'm hoping that I can send it to her soon and get the corsages made! Here's the picture from the listing, which I'm sure I've posted before. (Oh well.)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Talk

132 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (62/130 done)

I have had baby fever for a while now (working at a daycare is obviously not helping this) and, after sitting behind two of the cutest little girls I have ever seen at the Friars game, I realized that Matt and I should talk about when we want to have a baby. He knew my position, as I've made it quite clear; as soon as possible after the wedding. However, after some thought on my part, I realized I would want to be living in a bigger, nicer place (which we plan on doing right after the wedding) and have a better paying job. (That second part may be slightly easier now that I'm certified to teach in Massachusetts.) Matt had made it clear that he wanted to wait, but we had never really talked about how long. So I asked him tonight when he would ideally like to start trying. Surprisingly, he said in September. His reasoning was that we would be able to enjoy newlywed life for a few months and give ourselves time to settle into a new home and, hopefully, a new job for me. I was really happy with this answer and so we have made it official (as official as this decision can be); I'll be going off birth control in September and we'll see how it goes from there.

On a more wedding-related note, I have my trial alteration appointment tomorrow. I'm going to get some of the material taken off the bottom so that I can get our mothers' corsages ordered from Etsy. I'm really excited to see how they turn out! (Random, but a crossword puzzle I was working on today had Etsy as one of the answers!)

And, last but not least, we bought a new printer today (on sale) so I can finally print everything for our color!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Crown Jewels

Matt and I have done a lot in the last two hours. We got most of our tax returns in and have put them to good use. (I hate how fast money goes.) So here's what we have done thus far (minus paying bills):

We bought our wedding bands!! We had a $50 gift card from my parents from Christmas that we used and we got free shipping, so our total was only about $135. They are simple white gold bands, both the same style since Matt has small fingers and Kay's men's rings start at 9. We should get them in by mid-next week! Here's a picture:

We also ordered our mothers' gifts! We found jewelry from Limoges that we were able to personalize with birth stones. They are beautiful and I know our moms are going to love them! Here are the sample images from online, I'll post pictures of the actual jewelry once it comes in!

My mom
(the top birthstone is October, both for her and my dad, then January for me, December for my brother, May for one of my sisters, and August for my youngest sister)

Matt's mom
(the first birthstone is January for his dad, then June for his mom, November for Matt, and March for his sister)

Next we contacted the videographer to make sure he was still available so we can send in our deposit! I'm so excited that we'll have a video of the ceremony (we didn't want the reception taped and, frankly, couldn't afford it.) We're sending in the contract and deposit on Monday!

I also ordered the rest of our programs from Vistaprint as well as more envelope seals for the favors, and more thank yous. I also bought another Groupon for Vistaprint because we still need to order the menu inserts for the invitations and more thank yous.

Lastly, I ordered the silver candles for the centerpieces! They were slightly more expensive than the white ones, but the came to $35 total. Here are the two different types that I bought:

In the Spotlight

133 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (62/130 done)

I ordered some of the candles for the centerpieces today! I bought the small white floating candles as well as the white square floating candles from Yummi Candles. The total, with a coupon and shipping was $18.35! I really want to get the supplies for the centerpieces even though we still have a few months to go. I went through the other things I'll need and everything from Save on Crafts will be just under $200 including shipping (which is $52 but with the savings on all the items, I can justify it). I'm going to order everything from that site since I think it should save me on shipping (I'll have to research that, though) once we have all of our taxes in.

I also found these candles for the centerpiece on our sweetheart table! They're different from the others, but fit in with the black, white, and silver theme!

On another note, I am sick. There's a 24-hour bug going around work and I have caught it (again, since I felt crappy on Tuesday as well). I'm going to see if we have any chicken noodle soup since I'm hungry, or even ramen noodles. I'm also going to look for some cheap nightstands since our makeshift ones are getting more and more aggrivating.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's All About the Accessories

135 days

Currently working on: pocketfolds (62/130 done)

I ordered a couple of things tonight! (Matt's Massachuestts tax refund came in and my federal is going in tomorrow.)

First, I ordered the dress that Jess helped me pick out for the after party! I found a coupon online for 20% off so I got it for less than it actually cost ($29.99) which was already the sale price! Here's the one I picked:

Second, I ordered my hairpiece for the wedding! I found one on Etsy from a seller (SarasBoutique) who isn't on vacation. (The shop owner of the original flower that I liked has been on vacation since before Christmas.) It was $17.50 including shipping and I love it! It's going to look amazing with my dress! Here is the sample photo from the listing:

And, lastly, I ordered my earrings for the wedding! I had bought a pair from Lia Sophia a few months back when I started selling it. I love them, but the new catalog had a pair EXACTLY like I had originally wanted. They were $20 with my discount and including shipping and they are absolutely perfect! (I had wanted a similar pair from Swarovski but they were $60. Then I found a similar pair from Claire's but they were cheap looking. Then I found the ones in Lia Sophia that are gorgeous, but they were a little more embellished than I had wanted. I have finally got the perfect pair!) Here's a picture of them:

Lia Sophia "Applause"

I also finally figured out what I am getting for our female readers and greeters. I knew I wanted to get them jewelry from Lia Sophia, but it took me forever to pick out which items. (Big surprise there.) Here are the winners:

"Sonnet" for Cait 

"Reflex" for Alice 

"Heartbeat" for Jackie 

"Double Dip" for Katie