Thursday, March 8, 2012

Planning Potpourri III

100 days

207 invited
21 attending
3 declined

Our RSVPs today were from:
-my aunt, Alicia, and her husband, Frank
-my gramma (dad's mom)
-Matt's college friend Erik (one of the ushers) and his girlfriend, Sophie
-my high school friends, Greg and Liz (he's one of the readers)
-my college friend, Caitlyn, and her fiance, Anthony
-my gram's brother (on my dad's side) and his wife (decline)
With these regrets, we're able to invite Matt's dad's half sister and one of my coworkers.

We got in some of the centerpiece stuff we ordered this past weekend: the white flower candles and the white gems, both for our sweetheart centerpiece.

Saturday is my hair trial! I keep forgetting (I know I have an appointment, but it slips my mind that it's also for the trial) and they called to confirm today! I'll be sure to take some pictures! (Two of my bridesmaids are going with me, so we'll have cameras galore!)

We got an email that another item was purchased for us off our registry! The Mikasa vases that match the fine china we want were ordered! Here's a picture:

On a non-wedding related note, Matt and I went and saw the condo tonight. It is beautiful! The only problem with it is that they don't allow pets. I emailed the company that owns them and asked if there was any way that we'd be able to keep our cats. The condos aren't rented and our cats are quiet and indoor as well as spayed and litterbox trained. I'm praying it might be okay.

Tomorrow, our order from Vistaprint with the menus in it will be coming in! I'm so excited to finish that project! My parents anniversary party invites will also be in there, so I can start addressing them!

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